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Fast-Food Chain Replaces Burger Wrappings With Edible Packaging

As a campaign to boast that its burgers are irresistible, Brazil-based fast-food chain Bob’s replaced its plastic burger wrappings with edible packaging.
The edible packaging, created by agency NBS, lets consumers eat the burger without unwrapping it first—to demonstrate that people can’t wait to eat the burgers.
Alternatively, the campaign also served as an eco-friendly move to help save the earth, as no paper or plastic wrappings were thrown out.

Source: Design Taxi

It is certainly an interesting and creative alternative to reduce waste. I wonder how the package may affect the taste. Also, unless it is a fast-food chain, there is really no need for packaging when eating at a restaurant [as shown in the image]. Oh hey, I guess the burger or sandwich won’t be falling apart while sinking teeth into it. I think Subway® or TOGO’s® should take note. ;)

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